Preview - Kinetic Molecular Theory

Exploring the Can Crush Simulation

You will now use a simulation to help determine the reliability of the data your lab group acquired during class.

Experiment with the simulation by manipulating any of the variables (initial water amount, water temperature, or can volume). Be sure to hit "setup" after adjusting these variables or the change will not be reflected in the simulation. Also consider amount of time the can is left in the fire as a variable.

After you feel you have learned all the features of the simulation move on to answer the questions below:


Please answer the questions below.

The box "see-inside?" was not checked when you opened the simulation. Describe what happens when you check this box.

Is the simulation more like the real can crush with the "see-inside?" box checked or unchecked? Explain why.

There is a graph called "particles in the cross-section" in the upper right of the simulation that corresponds to the "see-inside?" check box from question 2.1 above. Do the particles in this cross-section represent every particle inside the can? Explain how you were able to determine that.

What is the purpose of including features in a simulation that do not mimic the real world?


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.